Tomorrow is the BIG DAY! I am having surgery to remove a big mass of veins on my right thigh in the upper back. We have to be at St. Joseph's at 5:30 AM!!!! They said the surgery will be at 7:30 so we will do a lot of waiting...They said there are 2 pre-op areas we will go through. I am not supposed to put any hair "products" on nor deodorant, perfume, make-up, etc...not sure if I will be able to abide by ALL those rules! Goodness...might need a little foundation! I don't want to SCARE the doctor!!! ;-)
I am supposed to keep this wrist band on for tomorrow. Today I went for my official Pre-Op and basically filled out paperwork and gave insurance information. I had my BP taken and bloodwork. No chest x-ray like I thought...I will be going in as an Outpatient then will be admitted for overnight.
Today, I am trying to get the floors vacuumed and mopped. I will be finishing changing the sheets and folding/ironing the laundry and getting it put away. Also need to clean the bathrooms and dust upstairs...Today is early release...didn't realize that until Carla called me yesterday to see if Gillian could come over today since she won't be in from her trip until after dark tonight. Thank GOD she called...it was right there on the calendar under where I wrote my Pre-Op appt.! We know what my priorities were! lol...
I left the key for Jayne to help the boys get in...they didn't have to be alone too long before I got home so it all worked out. I wish Middle School got out BEFORE Elementary! We will skip church tonight so I can tie up the loose ends so at least it is all tidy before I go tomorrow...it won't stay like that for long!
Tomorrow morning we are paying Amy to come a few minutes to 5:00 AM so she will be here to get the kids up and ready for school. My parents will be here for when they get off the bus and will help with homework, dinner, etc. Chris will have to leave the hospital tomorrow night around 5:00 because his Yankee team (Jonah's) has batting practice at Catch & Hit! At least I am in there on a Thursday night! It is a great TV night! lol
Hope all goes well with the surgery! : )
ANd I love your new hair-do too!! : )