Here are my cool socks (probably cost $50!!!...lol) and my cool gown that is disposable. It had air vents in it that they hooked up to a hose in the OR to heat me up! I was still awake because I wanted to talk to the doctor and ask if he would have done sclerotherapy on my calf...he said he couldn't because they didn't have the stuff there...it was at the office...of course I was thinking...THIS IS A HOSPITAL! Don't tell me you don't have it here! Oh well...
They gave me the mask and after breathing in and out for about 15 seconds I was out! When I woke up I think I was messing with the oxygen tube in my nose and they told me to leave it alone. Fortunately I wasn't nauseous like I had been in the past...maybe they gave me medicine for it proactively. My incision didn't hurt near as much as I thought it would. I did have a drain for the excess capillaries so my body wouldn't have to absorb them and create a bruise. Overall, things went GREAT!