After I got up and took Alyssa to school with Gabrielle to help her carry her things since she is using crutches I ran (not literally! home to get the Capri Suns for Jonah's End of the Year Party at school....I opened the closet up and there were 2 of the 4 boxes EMPTY (minus one!) and even EMPTY Capri Sun bags IN THE BOX!!!!)

I knew who the culprit was....I had to then run to the store to buy more drinks to have enough for the class!

I ran to CVS to do some quick shopping and get some of the deals...

Then I went to the party until 10:30.  I was very impressed that Jonah's character award that the class chose for Jonah was the one of being the Most Generous!  Willing to share...that was so sweet.  Each child wrote a compliment on the piece of paper for each student so it was neat reading all the comments of how the others felt about Jonah!

They had decorated a frame that had each student and the teacher in there.  (They were done by the time I got there late!)  Then they went on a scavenger hunt regarding numbers of the 3rd grade teachers.  They also had an ice-cream sundae buffet!

When I left the party I went to another CVS to shop....

working on using my coupons and getting my Extra Care Bucks!

Then I finished up shopping at Wal-Mart...headed a call from Carla asking to drop off a check at the middle school...ran out the door...when I got to school...the nurse asked if I got her message...nope...wrong cell number...ends up Alyssa had an upset stomach after lunch and wanted to come she came home...I then went and picket up Gillian later since Carla was at an appt. and then went by her old house to get the wheelchair for Alyssa to borrow....I made dinner...the boys, Chris, and I headed out to the next tournament game for Jonah at Midway and they won again!  It was an AWWWWWWWWESOME game!

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