Tonight we had is AMAZING how each week the choir is growing!!!  Christian mentioned they are having Praise Team is a very different process and VERY different commitment than before but all good!  I am considering trying out.

Afterward several people including Jacki and I auditioned for a solo that is part of one of the choir songs...who knows! I know I sounded a little nervous.  He said he didn't think it would be that difficult to decide and would let us know next week.

On the way home I saw the sun and just HAD to stop...I kept trying to find a good break in the trees to snap a photo...Alyssa and Sarah even agreed that it looked cool...I ended up turning around and pulling in a gas station to take these!!!


When I got home I dropped the girls off at our house since we were watching Sarah until Amy got home and then I headed to see the last 30 minutes of Noah's game.  I got there and they were ahead 10-8...then the other time tied up and upped one...then we were 13-11...they came back and won in the bottom of the 5th I think it was 13-14!  Well, at least it was a good game.  Grandmama and Granddeaddy were there to see him play!

1 Response
  1. Ansley Says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the sunset pics! i'm definitely a sucker for sunsets. : )