Chris and Dave giving out the trophies and summing up each players' season...Jonah HAD to wait until the end! He had a hard time waiting! Good lesson in patience!
Chris was talking about what a great season it was....especially the parents!
We were going to go to the pool at Castlebrooke but it was thundering so we ended up going to the McKinney's house to have the party! That was very nice of them to have everyone last minute!
Today Dave came and cleaned our carpets and I cleaned around him and moved lots of boxes we had "hidden" behind the sofa and tried to put away things that were under the sofa in "proper" places....I worked on finishing putting the DVDs in the new DVD holder, etc. I have been doing a little at a time of Spring Cleaning...I will be ready when it is done!
Today I went to Noah's End of the Year Party at school (4th Grade-Mrs. Lay/Mrs. Pinion)

Here is Frick and Frack....who caused some grief this year! lol
Noah, Jackson, and Ryan made up a song about "Trouble" and sang it for me!
Jake moved BACK from Florida and ended up being in Noah's class...they were so happy!
The LOST finale came on on Sunday night and I finally watched it today.....I am sad and still absorbing how it ended....I will miss these characters that I have watched since the beginning 6 seasons ago!!!
After I got up and took Alyssa to school with Gabrielle to help her carry her things since she is using crutches I ran (not literally! home to get the Capri Suns for Jonah's End of the Year Party at school....I opened the closet up and there were 2 of the 4 boxes EMPTY (minus one!) and even EMPTY Capri Sun bags IN THE BOX!!!!)
I knew who the culprit was....I had to then run to the store to buy more drinks to have enough for the class!
I ran to CVS to do some quick shopping and get some of the deals...
Then I went to the party until 10:30. I was very impressed that Jonah's character award that the class chose for Jonah was the one of being the Most Generous! Willing to share...that was so sweet. Each child wrote a compliment on the piece of paper for each student so it was neat reading all the comments of how the others felt about Jonah!
They had decorated a frame that had each student and the teacher in there. (They were done by the time I got there late!) Then they went on a scavenger hunt regarding numbers of the 3rd grade teachers. They also had an ice-cream sundae buffet!
When I left the party I went to another CVS to shop....
working on using my coupons and getting my Extra Care Bucks!
Then I finished up shopping at Wal-Mart...headed a call from Carla asking to drop off a check at the middle school...ran out the door...when I got to school...the nurse asked if I got her message...nope...wrong cell number...ends up Alyssa had an upset stomach after lunch and wanted to come she came home...I then went and picket up Gillian later since Carla was at an appt. and then went by her old house to get the wheelchair for Alyssa to borrow....I made dinner...the boys, Chris, and I headed out to the next tournament game for Jonah at Midway and they won again! It was an AWWWWWWWWESOME game!
Today was a VERY BUSY day! We woke up first thing and went to Noah's 1st tournament game at Central Park at 10:00 (WON!)....We picked up lunch and dropped it off for Alyssa at home...Jonah had a game at 1:00 at Midway (WON!) and Noah had another one at Central Park at 2:45 (LOSS)....Then Jonah had ANOTHER game at 6:15 at Midway Park again! I went ahead to a party Carla invited our family to and missed that last game...They DID win and Sandy and Dominick were able to go.
Carla wanted to have a "House Dedication" and invited all her closest friends and family. Carla explained the "story" of how God showed her how THIS house was to be her family's....Then we "broke bread" together...Francisco read a House Dedication that we all joined in on...and Dr. Horner lead us in a Communion Prayer as we had our juice and unleavened crackers! It was a great time! The boys and Chris joined Alyssa and I later at the party after the game and hung out for a while.
We woke up first thing and Alyssa's foot still hurt pretty bad from when she twisted it stepping off the curb after she got off the bus yesterday. So, I made an appt. with Dr. Orris knowing that we would probably end up in the ER if we didn't go. After having gone 2 times last month to X-Ray each of Noah's wrists they said the 3rd time was a winner!~ She DID break her ankle is chipped off...she said she had heard something....He thought he had seen something else on the X-Ray and asked the Orthopedic doctor next door and he said if it didn't hurt in those areas then there weren't others broken areas.
We ARE to follow up with that doctor the day after Memorial Day.
Here is Alyssa before and after getting her cast...
Since we were going to get the crutches from Me-Maw and Poppy that Me-Maw used she didn't have a way to get out of the doctor's office so she had to hail a ride from the local wheelchair driver!
Gabrielle ran over and signed her cast right away!

Today is Thursday and I went to Zumba class lead by Sandy...if I go to Zumba on Thursdays I try to stay for the Zumba Gold class after the regular class.
I snuck a picture of my are not many people here because the main class ended and we are gearing up for the small Zumba Gold class.

Here I am waiting to start class....I had to sneak this one too because another lady was looking at me wondering what I was doing!
Today I forgot to take a picture....I worked on Laundry, went shopping at CVS and Kroger, Dropped the boys off at Chris' work and then Alyssa, Sarah and I headed to church. I went to choir and then had a meeting with Jismarie, Debbie, Kelley and another guy (not sure his name) to discuss Circus Camp! Cannot believe we are going to be able to have it this last minute at our church this summer! More details to follow....
Diego got shaved today and smells so his teeth cleaned and nails clipped and filed...
We then went to Alyssa's Spring Choral Concert...they had a theme based around Musicals! Her chorus sang song from the Sound of Music! They did a great job!
Look how Mama and Deaddy match! How cute! They DID plan it!
Good picture of everyone! Jonah is so goofy!
Since when did Alyssa get almost as tall as me!!! I didn't even realize until I saw the picture!!!
Man this look good especially after 3 and 1/2 years of being on the market (for the most part!)!
I started the day going to choir practice at 8:30....I was actually not too late! lol
After church we went home to get ready to geocache...had a "fun" time hunting for Jonah's Phiten necklace that he misplaced!
After Chris found it we headed out to eat...we decided to eat at Jim & Nick's was really good. We took Noah and Jonah to All Star Practice and dropped them off. Jonah stayed with them playing "wall ball" with the other kids. I went to Aeropostale with Alyssa to get her a solid colored t-shirt for her chorus concert. We got a few things there...
Then, we tried to find a Geocache at the Starbucks across the luck...I headed up to exchange some shoes at Shoe Carnival. Then we tried to look for 2 more geocaches...we just didn't have any luck since we didn't have a GPS...I knew where they were located and had hints but didn't have exact coordinates.
I dropped Alyssa off at home to work on her project and went to get the guys. We went to find a geocache (Chris' first time hunting!)...We started out looking for one in Midway since Chris had downloaded the geocaching app on his iphone. Jonah ended up finding it!...(in turn he earned his Phiten back!) It was exciting to find it! It was Chris' first one!
Jonah picked the necklace out of the "booty" and gave it to me and said it was my Birthday gift from him...:-) My little sweetie...
We then headed over to a steam engine to do a "multi-part" cache...The first part was easy....I knew it was at the steam engine and we had to get clues from it. Then we tried to find it...Chris and the boys especially tromping all in the woods...I wasn't very prepared and had shorts and flip flops...not good for briars!
After no luck finding the 2nd part (we think it is embedded deep in a section of woods that were thick...Chris wasn't dressed well to look for it either so we headed on).
We went to Bruster's to get my favorite icecream...CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY TRUFFLE! We hoped to get us all something there but Noah wasn't we had to then drive to Dairy Queen and wait in the LONG line just to get him an Arctic Rush...we brought Alyssa icecream from Brusters...
Here is my beloved icecream! Hmmm Hmmm GOOD!
I chilled out for the day then I went to a Ladies' Dinner at our church and invited Sherry Carpenter.
Yesterday Mama and Deaddy came by at 2:00ish and then we went to go take Alyssa out of school so we could head to Conyers. The boys were going to Hope's to play with Josh for several hours until Chris picked them up after work.
Because we left so early we didn't get into much traffic if we got to Conyers about 3:45. We hung out and then Laurie started to prepare dinner. We had chicken wrapped in bacon dried beef in a dish baked with cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup with sour cream mixed in. It was good. We also had green beans, broccoli, and strawberries and pineapple. For dessert Mama tried out a new Key Lime Cake was really good...better than I thought! Here is mine!
After we had dessert we cleaned up and headed out to go see Summer in Oklahoma at her Middle School. On the way we drove by to see the Beach Volleyball pit that Jordan was playing at in a tournament. Mark and Deaddy went to watch him play. Laurie, Mama, Ansley, Alyssa and I went on to see Summer. They did a great job and the set looked great!
After that was over we came home and Alyssa got to chat with Summer just a little while before we needed to come home! We got home about 11:45! I hope Deaddy did okay having to keep driving home after dropping us off! He has shingles and was tired...but he wouldn't let anyone else drive:-)
We had a great time!

Today I had to get Alyssa out of school early again to go take care of the rest of the Passport process for the kids...Yesterday I got Jonah and Noah out of school at 2:00 and Alyssa at 2:15 and headed to the Passports & Visas place...on the way I realized after Noah mentioned the word Birth Certificate that I needed to go back and get Jonah's since I forgot it. So, Chris called to verify I couldn't email it...I went home and got it and we made it to the place. When I got there I found out that even though Alyssa and Noah have expired passports we STILL need to bring Birth Certificates! It is like getting a whole new passport! I was so frustrated We went ahead and processed Jonah's passport. We took all of the kids' pictures and she let me type up and print the applications there since the ones I printed out and filled out wouldn't work! The process has changed for getting passports for minors so now you have to go to the Fulton County Superior Court with the child and make an oath, etc. and THEN you have to go BACK to the Passports & Visas place to deliver the package for them to turn in. So, yesterday, we did that for Jonah to get it over with for him. I wasn't sure if I was going to let Jonah go to school and then take Noah and Alyssa first thing in the morning or what....But, I decided today to let Noah and Jonah get home for a bit and then we got Alyssa out at 3:30 and headed down with Alyssa's and Noah's Birth Certificates to the Passports & Visas place YET AGAIN! At least I had all that paperwork done and checks written. I just had to add the B.C.s to the pile and they packaged them up for the Superior Court to go over there and do all that again...Chris wasn't here this time and had signed a special authorization yesterday so he wouldn't have to be there today....Then we went back and turned it in and headed home! I am SOOOOO glad that is over!
This is the beginning of Alyssa's pinata she is working on for her Spanish class.
Here is my new book I am can also see where I shop!
It is comforting to know that after so much has changed with technology, etc. and what kids spend their time doing, that one thing from our childhood is still present and enjoyed...Tom & Jerry!!!
May 9, 2010...
Today I got up early enough to actually get to choir rehearsal at 8:30! Chris realized we would be gone most of the day so he stayed home to work on his map quiz for his class and the boys weren't up and ready so they stayed home too. Alyssa ended up spending the night with Gillian after working for HOURS on her flower garden up to 11:30 Sat. night! She went to church at Grace with them.
I ran to the store on the way soon as I got home Cindy came by with their offer to buy our house and we chatted with her for a bit and signed the paperwork. When I had walked in the house I saw my gift waiting for me! I know I will use it all the time! I had been wanting a bleacher seat:-)
Eventually we got on the road to go to the Cirillo's to have "sauce" and meatballs....always the family favorite! (I try to make it and it is "okay" but the kids (and Chris too!) say it is not quite the same!!!)....Nothing like Me-Maw's "sauce"!
We had a nice meal and the kids watched Avatar that they had just bought. It looked great on their new TV and it was a Blu-ray Disc so it looked even better!
Here is a picture of Noah moving the van! I videoed it also but don't know how to put that on my blog....
Jonah moved Me-Maw's car later into the garage but I didn't get a picture of it...
We had dessert which was a cake from Publix with fruit on it, Turtle Pie, and a cookie cake!
Saturday Alyssa went to get her hair cut and foiled...after being disappointed by having a cancelled appt....her favorite Stylist, Julie, went home sick on Thursday...:-( We rescheduled for Sat. but with a different stylist...Kimberly I think...
Alyssa got a new cut and 2 different colors of highlights!
Looks good! Here is one of her new outfits!
There was a big sale at Kohl's on Friday night so I took Alyssa to shop there at 9:00 since they were opened until 11:00...Actually we ran by Shoe Carnival first to look at some sandals...25 minutes later we came out with 6 pairs of shoes for less than $100! Can't beat that! One of my pairs was discounted $65! Woohoo!
So, shoes down, bathing suits to go! We headed to Kohl's and found 2 bathing suits for Alyssa, a cover up for each of us...pair of jeans, skimmers, a plaid skort, and a shirt to go with each (or to mix and match!) all for Alyssa. I got 2 shirts and a necklace.:-) Also, they had a sale on SPEEDO goggles so I picked up a pair for each of the kids for the summer! All in all, the sales were great plus I had an extra 15% off the entire purchase so I was glad to find some good things and especially to find the bathing suits! I mean who likes bathing suit shopping...even if it is not for ME?!
I didn't take a picture today but tomorrow's picture will have one of Alyssa's new outfits in it!
I missed the first 20 or so minutes of Jonah's game but he evidently had some great plays before I got there! That is how it always is! I said maybe I need to leave! We were winning and at the end we lost! That is how most of our losses are! It is so frustrating!!!
Jonah found something new that he likes! BEEF JERKY!
Tonight we had is AMAZING how each week the choir is growing!!! Christian mentioned they are having Praise Team is a very different process and VERY different commitment than before but all good! I am considering trying out.
Afterward several people including Jacki and I auditioned for a solo that is part of one of the choir songs...who knows! I know I sounded a little nervous. He said he didn't think it would be that difficult to decide and would let us know next week.
On the way home I saw the sun and just HAD to stop...I kept trying to find a good break in the trees to snap a photo...Alyssa and Sarah even agreed that it looked cool...I ended up turning around and pulling in a gas station to take these!!!
When I got home I dropped the girls off at our house since we were watching Sarah until Amy got home and then I headed to see the last 30 minutes of Noah's game. I got there and they were ahead 10-8...then the other time tied up and upped one...then we were 13-11...they came back and won in the bottom of the 5th I think it was 13-14! Well, at least it was a good game. Grandmama and Granddeaddy were there to see him play!
Yesterday, Monday, May 3, 2010 I just spent time doing things at home that needed to get done...filing, laundry, cleaning up, cooking dinner, zumba!
Today I met Jismarie and we went to Starbucks again and then headed over to Milton HS...This time she worked with the kids....stretching them (US---Renee and I participated!) out then doing several exercises on the mats such as tumbling, human juggling, cartwheels. Then, she taught them some and evaluated what they knew about the trapeze and the silks. I got a couple of videos!
I tried to upload them but cannot seem to!
Not packing to move a house though! Thank God!!!
We went to church this morning and today was Christian Ramos' first "official day" at FBCA! It was great!
We ate at Las Palmas for lunch and I had Sopes and Gorditas which were really is the closest thing to an arepa sandwhich as we can get around here!
Then Chris and I headed down to get the credenza from the OneGIS office and a folding table....Chris seemed to forget all the stuff at the office that still needed to be packed up. So, he went through stuff and we made a huge trash pile! Then he packed some stuff to bring home and some things that the movers will take to the new office. He thought the credenza was "light"...I didn't tend to agree so we decided to leave it and let he and Paul take care of it later. He realized on the way home we should have brought the dolly! Goodness!
We DID bring the folding table which Noah is so happy about so he can play with his legos on it.
When we got home Chris had to work on a power point for work and I took the kids to DQ!!! Yum!Yum!