I was noticing recently how Alyssa is almost my height and when I was at Carla's house I noticed her and Gillian are the same exact height.  They didn't realize that so I took their picture to show them!

God is in the details!  We needed some bubble wrap to wrap a few items we are taking to Venezuela with us and I found some in a bag Carla gave me!!!

Great-Grandma Anne's 92nd birthday

Jonah's showing off his $50 bill that he got from Me-maw and Poppy for his 8th birthday...Poppy is showing off his own $50 bill too!

Cute pict of Me-maw and Jonah...notice Jonah's new shirt!

Noah's new buzz cut...didn't get Jonah's picture yet...I will...
Carla went to the Mart to get some cheap jewelry for me so we could sell it when we are in Venezuela to make some money to help fund our trip.  We will actually have Kimberly and Paulina help us sell it.  Whatever Paulina sells she gets to keep half the money to help pay her for helping us out during the time we are there.

Here are some of the pictures of the stuff we will sell...


So You Think You Can Dance!

Chef Gordon Ramsey~!  I love watching the show Hells Kitchen but know there is NO WAY I could survive him!
After I got back from Zumba I took the boys and their friends to the pool for a couple of hours...

I tucked Diego in for the day while I was doing housework before I left to help Carla move the rest of the stuff at her Lawrenceville house!  We got SOOOO much done this week-end...all of us that is!

Someone at the garage sale found this baby bird on the driveway and rescued it!  We think it was a hummingbird!

Carla bought Gillian some funky sunglasses!

Now THAT'S a drink!  They gave us this as a replacement for the Gallon of Tea in the Family Meal at Mrs. Winner's chicken...
I was so excited to find out that we will be singing a English and Spanish song coming up called "Gloria"...

It was hilarious to have Christian imitate Southerners speaking Spanish!

We went to Alyssa's follow-up visit with the orthopedic doctor, Dr. Steenlage.  He said in 2 weeks she could switch to a walking cast if she is "compliant"...I think she will be...She would have to be in one to be in Venezuela!
We went to the pool with Laura Stanton and her kids...This was our first time to make it to the Vickery pool this season!

Alyssa's cast matches her new bathing suit!  Thank GOD it is a waterproof cast!
I didn't end of going to Noah's All Star tournament in Stockbridge....Saturday I stayed home doing "house stuff" and was home with Alyssa...Sunday, I had choir and Chris was going to Bermuda.  Noah spent the night with the coach and 3 other teammates and swam at the Embassy Suites, etc!  They lost all 3 games...

I didn't take any pictures...:-(